Rate transparency

In compliance with Resolution no. 252/16/CONS, ‘Measures to protect users in order to promote transparency and the comparison of the economic conditions of electronic communication service offers’, Vianova publishes its offer prospectuses for public consultation.

Current offers available for subscription

Vianova 2020

Valid from 2020/07/30

Fixed line offer profiles

Fixed line offer profile options

Mobile offer profiles

Activation and deactivation costs

Each offer profile has a different activation cost, specified in more detail in the summary documents above. There are no deactivation costs.

Current offers no longer available for subscription

Vianova 2019

Fixed line offer profiles

Fixed line offer profile options

Mobile offer profiles

Switch to Vianova Agile

The offer is reserved exclusively for Vianova fixed network customers who transfer their corporate SIM cards to Vianova Mobile by choosing the Pay-As-You-Go Vianova Agile mobile profile. The offer includes the first month free.
The following conditions apply:

  • the SIM cards must be corporate;
  • a portability (MNP) request must be made;
  • the Vianova Mobile profile that can be activated with the promotion is Agile;
  • any traffic outside of the package is not included;
  • there is no fixed duration;
  • at the end of the promotion, the Customer is free to choose whether to stay with Vianova Mobile.

Activation and deactivation costs

Each offer profile has a different activation cost, specified in more detail in the summary documents above. There are no deactivation costs.

Vianova 2018

Fixed line offer profiles

Fixed line offer profile options

Mobile offer profiles

Switch to Vianova Mobile

The offer is reserved exclusively for Vianova fixed network customers who, in the period between February 1 and March 31, 2019, transferred their corporate SIM cards to Vianova Mobile, choosing the Small, Medium and Large package profiles.
The following conditions apply:

  • the SIM cards must be corporate and must come from another Operator;
  • the portability (MNP) request must have been made by March 31, 2019;
  • the Vianova Mobile profiles that can be activated with the promotion are the Small, Medium and Large package profiles;
  • any traffic outside of the package is not included;
  • there is no fixed duration;
  • at the end of the promotion, the Customer is free to choose whether to stay with Vianova Mobile.

The offer is also extended, with the same conditions, to all Customers with Vianova Mobile’s Small, Medium and Large package profiles already active on February 1, 2019.

Vianova 2017

Offer profiles (voice and data)




