Carrello vuoto È necessario inserire almeno un prodotto nel carrello
  • SIM Vianova
    ,00 €
  • eSIM Vianova
    ,00 €
  • Credito aziendale
    3 € per ogni SIM
    ,00 €
    Promozione Online
    info Promozione Online
    Promozione Online

    La prima ricarica del credito aziendale è offerta da Vianova. Questa promozione è valida solo per il primo acquisto online.

    0,00 €
  • Spedizione
    Iva 22%
  • inclusa
Che offerta sto attivando?
Che offerta sto attivando?

Puoi scegliere il profilo d’offerta che preferisci nella tua Area Clienti dopo aver acquistato le SIM.

Posso fare la portabilità del numero?
Posso fare la portabilità del numero?

Dopo aver ricevuto le SIM potrai decidere se effettuare la portabilità o attivarle come nuovo numero.


A toll-free number for your Customers

A toll-free number for your Customers

An advertising investment with a high rate of return: the more your Customers call you, the better your chances of selling your products and services.

An opportunity to stand out from the competition and a real demonstration of your desire to better serve your Customers.


  • you build the image of a company that cares about its Customers’ needs


  • you can receive national calls from fixed line or mobile networks, with the called party charged for the conversation
  • subject to technical checks, Number Portability can be used to transfer a toll-free number that is already active with another Operator


  • you can program the service to block calls from mobile networks
  • you can choose one or more numbers free of charge within the number ranges offered by Vianova

How it works

  1. call our Customer Service team and choose the 800 Line number you like best with the help of one of our operators
  2. the chosen number is then linked to your company’s phone number (the one with your local area code)
  3. calls to the new 800 number are diverted to your switchboard like any other incoming call
  4. your Customers and collaborators can now contact your company for free

Additional 800 Line numbers

It is possible to activate additional 800 Line numbers in addition to those included in the selected Vianova profile.

  • activation fee: included
  • monthly amount: Euro 4.00 for each number

International toll-free number

The service allows you to receive calls from the country where the toll-free number is active, with the called party charged for the conversation.

  • activation fee: Euro 40.00 for each number
  • monthly amount: Euro 6.00 for each number
  • cost of receiving calls from fixed line and mobile networks: on a per-project basis
  • the 800 Line service cannot receive calls from abroad, except where the optional international toll-free service has been activated
  • the cost of calls transferred to non-Vianova numbers (e.g. cell phones, foreign numbers, numbers belonging to other Operators, etc.) is billed according to the rates set out in the subscribed Vianova profile

How much could your monthly advertising investment in an 800 Line be worth?

By investing just Euro 20 in advertising to enable the service for calls from landlines only, your company could get 1,000 calls a month for a total of 2,000 minutes of conversation – not an insignificant amount…
But we hope you spend more!

Configure your fixed line offer
Call 145
we answer within three rings