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Router Backup

A second router to guarantee operational continuity

A second router to guarantee operational continuity

The backup services offered by Vianova are crucial in ensuring operational continuity for our customers.

That’s why those who opt for Vianova can also count on Router Backup.

The service provides an additional router configured with HSRP and BGP and connected to a line independent of the main access.

The backup system starts up automatically in the event of the failure of the router or main line and allows the customer to keep the same IP addresses.


  • you’re always online and you don’t miss out on business opportunities
  • activated with the best technology available (FTTx, ADSL, Radio) in combination with the main connections


  • you’re always online and you don’t miss out on business opportunities
  • your business remains operational even if your router or main line fails
  • you keep the same IP addresses

How it works

  • the Router Backup service is set up by installing an additional Vianova or Cisco router configured with HSRP and BGP, connected to a line independent of the main access
  • in the event of a router or main line outage, the equipment automatically switches Voice and Data services to the connected router while simultaneously sending a fault report to the Vianova NOC (Network Operation Center)
  • the Customer Service team contacts the customer to gather information, and the NOC takes charge of the fault within 15 minutes
  • as soon as the fault is resolved, the equipment automatically restores the Voice and Data services
  • IP addresses remain unchanged, even in the event of an outage

Router backup option for offers Vianova Profili 1.5, 6.12 and Connect

The option includes a router Vianova or Cisco configured with HSRP and BGP, connected to a line independent of the main access.

xDSL, FTTx or Mobile access

  • activation fee: 120.00 euro reduced to 80.00 euro if contextual to offer activation
  • monthly fee: 55.00 euro

Radio access

  • activation fee: 280.00 euro reduced to 180.00 euro if contextual to offer activation
  • monthly fee: 90,00 euro


  • in the 1.5 and 6.12 profiles, the Router Backup service is optional
  • in the event of a line failure, ongoing telephone communications may be interrupted for a few seconds
  • in the event of a fault in other elements of the plant chain (cable ducts, other equipment, etc.), the service may not work
  • if twisted pairs are temporarily unavailable at the Customer’s site, the Router Backup service may be able to be carried out following Number Portability, which frees up twisted pairs previously used by old lines
  • Router Backup service with Mobile access can be activated only with SIM Vianova
  • Router Backup service with Mobile access can be activated only with 4G coverage with good quality signal (-100 dBm)
  • Router Backup service with Mobile access activates itself only in case of failure the main connection and doesn’t contribute to reaching indicated access speed
  • in Router Backup service with Mobile access, voice access is “best effort”
  • Router Backup service allows Voice backup if  in combination with Vianova Profile or Vianova SIP Trunk
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